Friday, August 28, 2009

Budget Updates

Hi Everyone.

Jordan and I attended a budget meeting for the year this morning and I've got several updates for everyone.

1. Unfortunately, we are going to have to charge dues this year. On the plus side, all of the other Grady clubs' dues are above $40 and we're just going to charge $10 each for the entire year. While anyone can still come to the meetings, there are several things that the club will do such as field trips, workshops, etc. that you will only be able to attend if you have paid your dues. If everyone could please bring $10, cash or check, to the next meeting, that'd be swell! We're going to be keeping a lot closer track of who has paid and who hasn't, so please don't try to skip this. In order for the club to have food at the meetings, get the speakers here and go on field trips, etc. we have to have money to do all of those things. I'm sorry that we're having to charge dues, but that's just the way it is...

2. For those interested in attending the MAGS Conference: The good news is we can still go on our field trips and the admission ($10) to attend the conference will be paid for you! The bad news is, unless we want our meetings to be food and speaker free, we're going to have to foot the bill for the gas. Right now, we have two volunteers (myself and Marianne) to drive. If nobody volunteers, we can't get there. I need 3 more drivers! If we put 5 people to a car, it will be less than $8/person to attend the MAGS Conference. This is well worth it. However, if you cannot afford to attend the trip anymore, I need to know ASAP.

So, to review.. I need 3 people to volunteer to drive. It's going to cost about $8 to attend this conference. If you can't go anymore, please let me know.

3. For those interested in attend the Paste Field Trip: Right now, we have one volunteer (myself) to drive. I need 4 more drivers! If we put 5 people to a car, it will be less than $8/person to attend the field trip at Paste. Considering the experience we'll get at the magazine's office, this is well worth it. However, if you cannot afford to attend the trip anymore, I need to know ASAP.

So, to review.. I need 4 people to volunteer to drive. It's going to cost about $8 to attend this field trip. If you can't go anymore, please let me know.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Master Calendar

Get out your red pens, open up iCal, do whatever it is you do to mark your calendar... here is the current schedule for Magazine Club's Fall Meetings:

Sept. 2, 2009: Freelancers Lori Johnston and Melissa Diskin in SLC Room 245 at 7 pm

Sept. 10, 2009: MAGS Conference in Atlanta

Sept. 16, 2009: Kali Justus, Editor at Lakelife Magazine in SLC Room 245 at 7 pm

Sept. 21, 2009: Paste Field Trip

Sept. 30, 2009: Ramsey Nix, Editor at Oconee Living in SLC Room 247 at 7 pm

Oct. 7, 2009: Kelly Simmons, Editor at Georgia Magazine in SLC Room 247 at 7 pm

Oct. 14, 2009: Tayyibah Taylor, Editor at Azizah Magazine in SLC Room 247 at 7 pm

Oct. 21, 2009: Query Letter Workshop with Janice Hume in SLC Room 147 at 7 pm

Oct. 28, 2009: Freelancer Susan Hunter in SLC Room 247 at 7 pm

Nov. 4, 2009: Freelancer Jennifer Escalona in SLC Room 247 at 7 pm

Nov. 11, 2009: Randy Shearing of B2B Magazine France Publications in SLC Room 247 at 7pm

Nov. 18, 2009: Medical Journalist Pat Thomas in SLC Room 268 at 7 pm

Dec. 2, 2009: LAST MEETING OF THE SEMESTER! NABJ Co-meeting in SLC Room 247 at 7 pm

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First Meeting

Magazine Club will hold our first meeting tonight in SLC Room 251 at 7pm. It is just going to be an informational meeting where we will talk about the upcoming year, get RSVP's for our two upcoming field trips, get everyone's feedback and of course, eat some FREE FOOD! You don't have to be a journalism major... in fact you don't have to do anything except show up. So come and bring some friends! Hope to see everyone there!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Field Trip INFO

Hey Everybody!

Hope everyone's first day of classes went well. I just wanted to give you all some updates about the field trips and our first meeting.

The Paste Field Trip will be from 9:30-11:00 am on Sept. 21. PLEASE RSVP ASAP! We're going to try to get a carpool together also, so I definitely need to know how many people will be attending. I would imagine we would probably leave Athens around 8 am that morning in order to get to ATL by 9:30. This is going to be a great learning opportunity! You don't want to miss it!

Same thing goes for the MAGS conference that is in ATL on Sept. 10th. Again, PLEASE RSVP ASAP!

Our first meeting is going to be held in SLC Room 251 at 7pm on August 26th. It is just going to be an informational meeting where we will talk about the upcoming year, get everyone's feedback and of course, eat some FREE FOOD! Hope to see everyone there!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Back to School

Hello All,

I can't believe summer is nearly over and in just a few days, we'll be back at school. How did this happen? I hope you all had a great summer and although, I'm dreading classes starting again, I'm super excited about Magazine Club this year. I've already got a lot of speakers lined up for the fall, a field trip to Paste scheduled, and another field trip for a conference in Atlanta. I wanted to write to clue you guys in on a few things and to ask you a few questions. So, let's get started:

1. Our first meeting will be August 26th. This is just going to be an introductory meeting where we will discuss what we have planned for the school year and see where we can fill in some holes to really get the most out of the club this year. If you have any ideas, suggestions, comments, etc. that you'd like to get off your chest now, PLEASE email me ( and let me know. I'd love to hear your suggestions.

2. I'm interested in attending a MAGS conference in Atlanta this fall. Here is a link to the site with some information about the event: DON'T REGISTER YET! If you think you'd like to attend this event, which you definitely should :), PLEASE EMAIL ME AND LET ME KNOW. We're going to have to give them a heads up and make a reservation. And hopefully, they'll be able to give us a discounted rate, if we bring enough people. I think the event should be great and we'll likely try to organize some type of carpool to get us all down there. Please RSVP at

3. We're also planning a field trip to Paste Magazine on Sept. 21. If you'd be interested in going on this field trip, again, Please RSVP at

OK I think that's it for now. Please keep checking the website for updates and I hope to see everyone on the 26th.

Kate Parham
President of Magazine Club

P.S. I started a blog this summer for college students that you all should definitely check out. It's called Get Smart and you can find it at Thanks!