Sunday, November 16, 2008

Last Meeting of the Semester

Magazine Club will have it's last meeting of the semester


There will be free food: McAlister's Deli sandwiches, chips, and drink. Please come hungry! Andrew Tucker (photojournalist), Professor Mark Johnson (Photojournalism Professor), and John Curry (Athens Banner Herald Photojournalism) are scheduled to speak about methods and techniques in the field. We will also have a photo contest where anyone can bring a hard copy of their best photo to enter into a small contest. Everyone will vote and the winners will receive gift cards. Don't have a photo? No worries, there will be magazine trivia and door prizes. Feel free to bring a friend and we hope to see you there!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Meeting Tonight



We'll have the Ad Director and Sr. Sales Rep from Flagpole here to speak! And of course, FREE FOOD!

Hope to see everyone there!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Upcoming Meetings

Great News! We have set up the next 2 meetings for Magazine Club for the month of November and they're going to be great!

Wednesday, November 12th at 7pm we have the Ad Director and Senior Sales Rep from Flagpole coming. I know it's short notice, but this is going to be a great meeting for all of those interested in the advertising side of magazines, so please try your best to make it.

Wednesday, November 19th at 5pm Andrew Tucker, a photographer with work featured in GA Magazine, will be here to speak about photojournalism. We're going to try to make this a more interactive meeting-- so a photography contest will take place at the meeting, complete with prizes and free food! Anyone interested in the photojournalism aspect of magazines, this meeting is for you! Bring your best work!!!

Also, make sure that if you have not paid dues that you bring $10 IN CASH to the next meeting.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Internship Panel Contacts

Hello All--

Thanks so much to everyone who came out to the Internship Panel Meeting; I think it was a huge success. I know that a lot of you wanted the contact information for the girls that came out to speak, so here it is:

Kali Justus (National Geographic & Southern Living):
Mary Catherine Brutz (Peach & Pink):
Brittney Haynes (Upscale Magazine):

Everyone make sure to thank these girls for coming out to our meeting; Kali drove all the way from Birmingham!!

That's all the updates we have for you now, but if anyone has any suggestions/ideas for upcoming meetings, please don't hesitate to shoot me an e-mail at

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Magazine Club Meeting #3

OK Everyone-- time to get excited about our 3rd Magazine Club Meeting! It's going to be EXTREMELY beneficial for all those who attend, so PLEASE try your best to make it! This meeting is our Internship Panel Meeting, so if you've ever wondered exactly what you need to do to get an internship at a magazine, what to expect once you've been hired as an intern, and what the next step after an internship is-- this meeting is for you! We have interns from Paste Magazine, Peach Magazine, Pink Magazine, Creative Loafing Magazine, and National Geographic scheduled to appear, so don't miss it. The meeting will be

Thursday, Oct. 23rd @ 7pm
Journalism Building, Room 504

Hope to see everyone there. And if you haven't paid your dues, PLEASE bring $10 in cash/check to the meeting. Thanks!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Meeting Numero 2!

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to let you all know the time, date, location of the rescheduled meeting. It will be this

Wednesday, Oct. 1 at 7 pm
in the Journalism Building, Room 512

Hope to see everyone there!

And don't forget to bring your dues!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


OK everyone, we have officially rescheduled the yesterday's meeting for

Wednesday Oct. 1 at 7 pm.

The meeting will be in the SLC (we'll send out another announcement when the room number has been assigned). This is the meeting where students involved from other magazine related organizations will be coming to speak about how you can get involved on campus. So far, we have members of the Little Red Book, Stillpoint, Georgia GuardDawg, and UGAMiracle scheduled to appear. If you haven't paid your dues yet, please bring a check or cash in the amount of $10 to the meeting. Hope to see everyone there!


So, after much confusion with reserving a room for the meeting tonight, September 24, we have decided to reschedule. WE ARE SO SORRY for the inconvenience! The meeting is probably going to moved to Oct. 1 at 7pm instead, but stay tuned for exact time and location information. Hope to see everyone there!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

1st Meeting Review

Hey everyone! We had an amazing turnout at our first meeting last Thursday!!! I think this year is going to be incredible. We've received a TON of inquiries about what went on at the meeting, so for all of those that missed it, here's what we discussed:

1. First and foremost, everyone make sure that you are subscribed to the MagClub listserv!

2. This year, because of Grady's fund reallocation, we will be charging $10 dues for the entire year. This will cover all expenses related to guest speakers, field trips, food, etc. Please make your check out to UGA Mag Club and either bring it to our next meeting or drop it off in Dr. Hume's office.

3. Our second meeting is going to be near the end of September. We're going to have a panel of students involved at other magazine related organizations on campus to come and talk to everyone about ways that they can get involved. This will be a great way to find out where your work can be published, photographs printed, editorial skills put to work, etc. Just keep checking back on the website for more detailed information about the date and time of the meeting-- we should know by the end of the week.

3. We have been discussing a field trip to a local publishing house, perhaps at Paste. The details have not yet been worked out, but we just wanted everyone to know what types of activities we have in mind for the year. In addition to this field trip, we have an internship related meeting in the works, as well. If anyone knows of UGA students that have had an internship at a magazine that would be willing to come speak, PLEASE get us the contact information for them so that they could come to the meeting. We hope that this meeting will help our members figure out exactly what they need to do to get an internship, what to expect once they have one, and everything imbetween.

4. We passed out a survey that I would love for everyone to fill out, if they have not already, so that we can get an idea as to what everyone is interested in/hoping to get out of being in MagClub. I will attach a copy on the website, so whenever you get a chance, please just fill it out and bring it to our next meeting.

That was really all we discussed, so if you didn't make it to the first meeting, DON'T WORRY! You can come out at any time to join MagClub! Hope to see everyone at the next meeting!

If you still have questions, please e-mail us at either or Thanks!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

1st Meeting

Our first meeting will be on

Thursday, September 11th
SLC Room 275
starting at 7:00 pm.

The meeting probably won't last longer than an hour, but we will discuss dues for this year and the plans that we have for the club. Remember, ALL majors are welcome. Even if you aren't sure if you want to be in Magazine Club, please don't hesitate to come. This first meeting is just an information session. I look forward to meeting everyone and if anyone has any questions, you can e-mail us at

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Starting the new year

Hey Everybody!

I know everyone is just getting settled after the first week of school and is eager to decide what they want to be involved in this year. We're trying to get updated information to you as soon as possible, so please bear with us for the time being. Keep checking back on the website and make sure that you are subscribed to the magclub listserv. We will be posting/sending all new information as soon as everything settles down. Our first meeting will probably be in the beginning of September, so stay tuned for the date, time and location. I look forward to a great year this year and can't wait to get MagClub up and running. Remember, all majors are welcome, no need to apply. If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to e-mail us (

Monday, August 25, 2008

New Officers

Officers for the 2008-2009 School Year:

Kate Parham

Kathryn Swany

Brittney Haynes
Vice President

Marianne English

Janice Hume
Faculty Advisor